1. Before Launch

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We're very excited to announce that we will have a new site up and running very soon!

Stay tuned for more details on our official Facebook page.

Our secret project is almost ready 😉.

If you were around in the chat, you might have gotten a sneak peak 😉

We're almost ready for our new site launch and we are waiting for you to celebrate with us at our exclusive launch party in London.

We are a team building an awesome product that we hope can transform the way you work.

Hang tight because we’ll tell you more about it soon 😍

Join our closed beta today and get your access to the secret project we’ve been working on.

Already have the product?

Invite your friends to join as well, in order to enjoy free tests. Help shape the product future!

Got some great announcements next week.

Stay tuned to find out how you can get down 70-90% off on tickets to our events by using the all new expo promoter!

We're creating something revolutionary for the design industry.

Make sure to sign up once it's ready.

It's going to be big

We'll be launching our new site very soon.

To receive notification on it, please join us here

👇 https://mysite.com/my-new-platform

2. During Launch

Text you can use with this set of designs.

It took me a year to put it together. I invested a lot of time and money to make it happen.

And today, I launch it to the world as my baby. It's hoping that people who come to this site will find value in the course.

Will you be one of them?

Several months ago I purchased a new website domain

(https://www.yourwebsite.com) and today I am launching it to the world.

The site is still an infant, but it's my first born so far.

It's my most personal project to date.

I call it my website, but it's much more than that.

It's also a blog, a store and a community. It focuses on stories of people who do what they love and their pursuit of happiness

I have been working on this app for a long time.

It is amazing and does most of the things I wanted it to do well.

This app will make your life better and you will love me forever as a result.

It took me almost 8 months to finally decide to launch.

I wrote about my journey here. Though I gathered almost 5+ subscribers already, I'm still looking for your support and comment to make this blog worth any value.

This is my personal blog and will be used for experiments within marketing and hopefully to attract readers.

Check out my latest experiment here . The blog will have the latest on my marketing experiments.

This is my first blog on writing. I am glad to be writing it at Hubpages.

There are a lot of communities and discussions on writing. I have found out a lot by following them. I am sure they will help you too.

It is time I build my dream and believe in myself to pursue what I truly love and that is the reason why I am doing this.

3. After Launch

Text you can use with this set of designs.

Surprise! I got my first subscriber! Pat on the back to me.

It feels good to know that someone actually cares for my content.

Haven't launched yet but still got my first subscriber.

This is an incredible feeling and I want to share it with you. I wrote about it here.

It's been like 6 months and my biggest fear was that nobody will subscribe to this Reddit as it's niche.

But hey, today my first subscriber subscribed.

You read that right. This is my first subscriber and it feels awesome.

Not the most glamorous milestone but pretty cool nonetheless. It is a lot of fun running this newsletter, meeting new people, presenting my ideas and challenging them as well.

Yep, I'm totally new to all this and got my first customer.

It's a great start to something awesome 😁

WOW! This is amazing! My first client just signed up.

Woohoo! Just got my first paid user a week after launching.

Very excited about it. I'll share the conversion funnel I used to get the paid user shortly. Will be posting it in my #startup blog. Stay tuned 😉

Launch week has been a success so far.

Got the first user who is paying 10$ for a month of service.

Hopefully that is the beginning of something good.

Got our first client today.

Now to work on how to make sure they get all the value I promised.

I published my first book in the end of October and I'm very happy with my first review! 😁😁👏

4. Start marketing

Text you can use with this set of designs.

Join our mailing list to get notified about our updates and product additions.

Our philosophy is there's no such thing as too much communication with our users.

So, if you have any questions or problems, email us and we'll get back to you ASAP. No strings attached.

We're constantly improving our product and launching cool new features . We'd love to tell you more about it.

Join our mailing list for product updates and launch info 📧

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